
Showing posts from July, 2021

Is Fascism Really On The Rise?

Is fascism really making a comeback? In recent years, I have observed (especially here, in Germany) that right-wing parties are gaining more and more popularity, such as the "right-wing conservative" and "nationalist" AfD (Alternative for Germany), but also small parties like the NPD (National "Democratic" Party of Germany) or the "Third Way", etc. So is it happening again, is fascism returning as it was in power in Germany in the 20s and 30s? Of course, I cannot predict the future, but there is a kind of trend emerging, the national liberation of the Third World is progressing, the labor aristocracy in the imperialist motherland notices this and begins to act actively according to its class interest, as does the petty bourgeoisie. At present, however, things look less critical, why? I would like to explain this now: Let us go back in time, after 1920, to Germany, when fascism arose as a fresh new movement from the dying German petty bourgeoisie,